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A space of your own- the She Shed trend

Ever since Cheryl's She Shed burned down, this design trend has been going viral. And it is easy to see why- what woman wouldn’t want a backyard retreat tailored just for them? A She Shed is a small shed or building in your backyard that is used as a home office, craft room, or spiritual retreat.

No matter what your aesthetic is, the space will be a peaceful island amidst all the noise and hurry of life. It doesn’t even have to be a shed, the She Shed is more a personal oasis and is more a state of mind. Even an existing utilitarian shed can be transformed into a chic space that can meet your needs. So ladies start dreaming and get planning- be sure to include these five features to create the perfect space:

1. Function: Your She Shed is the perfect place to find calm, find a new hobby or just find your old self. Since the space can be multi-functional it is easy to try to cram everything in, don’t do it. Pick 1 or 2 main activities to help steer clear of overcrowding the space. If you love to garden, then the space can act as a relaxing potting shed. If you are a bookworm, your space will be filled with books and a comfy chair.

2. Location: It is important that the space be away from the house. Even in a smaller yard this is doable. The main premise is a getaway to relax, and you can’t do that surrounded by all the things that weigh on your mind in everyday life.

3. Pillows Galore: Let’s face it throw pillows are the stuffed animals of grown women. I love throw pillows, different shapes and sizes- but they irritate my husband and seem that they always end up on the floor of my family room. Throw pillows make the space more cozy and are the key to relaxation- so feel free to go crazy!

4. Refreshments: Build in a small area for a coffee bar or snack stash- there is nothing worse than getting cozy and having to go back to the house to get a cup of tea. A mini-fridge, wine fridge, coffee maker are all great additions to your space.

5. Color: This will be your space, so it is an opportunity to break out the paint fan and go crazy. You might lean towards the neutral side in your main house, but in this space you can really do what makes you smile. Break out your favorite colors and make it all yours.

As always, Happy Decorating!!!:-)


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